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I want my dummy(6-3 전진영)
작성자 전진영 등록일 17.06.19 조회수 60

The little princess has not yet arrived at dummy .I always carried around with her.Then the people around him said.Isn't it nearly the time for seven years to get rid of dummy ?" No! "I like my dummy !Said the little princess.When the people around him told her dummy , she threw her dummy away.The little princess, however, went on to look for her dummy.One day my cousin came to visit me.The  dummy You look so prat ! But ... It's not a big deal, ' said the little princess." It's ted's! ""

이전글 채소밭 잔치(1-3 민준기)
다음글 I want my tooth(6-3 전진영)