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Spongebob Love pants(6-3전진영)
작성자 전진영 등록일 17.06.30 조회수 45

one moring spongebob woke up in a very good mood.but something flet different.. spongebob went  to see his friend squidward. "Do you smell the love,squidward?" said spongebob. "NO!" said squidward.spongebob and patrick asked everyone in bikini bottom if they wanted to go on a date with squidward.Finally, SpongeBob found a mate with squidward.but  day not having nase togeter. spongebob said" i jest wanted you both to be happy!" Jingjingi Bob, who is sorry for SpongeBob, began to treat the woman who introduced her to her.After all, they ended up dating.

이전글 악어도둑 (4-4 허동원)
다음글 백범 김구 (6-4 박태준)