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Treasure Hunter (4-1 최윤호)
작성자 최명수 등록일 19.05.26 조회수 69

Today I read a Treasure Hunter.

The book's character was Monkey, Elephant, and Owl.

First of all, the Monkey had works to do.

He has to clean the house and wash the towels.

 He has to paint his wagon.

And carrots must be panted in the garden too.

Then, the Elephant came to Monkey's house.

So the Elephant helped the Monkey.

After they finished that, they went to Owl's house.

The Owl was having a treasure map.

So they went to find the treasure.

 The Owl found the Key.

And opened the locked door.

 Then the one rope came down.

And they went to Jungle.

And they digged the ground.

Wow! It is a treasure!

I want to have a treasure too.


이전글 A Busy Day. (4-1 최윤호)
다음글 로테와 루이제(4-2김희수)