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작성자 전진영 등록일 17.06.19 조회수 43

One day two rabbits lived.Her sister was named ' Ruby ' and her younger sister was ' Max. 'As my birthday comes soon, Ruby will give me a birthday present.
Thought.I wondered what I would buy in town with Max.I couldn't even look around because of my naughty brother." I'm hungry, " Max said.
Ruby asked Max to buy a sandwich and a drink.But.....

Max bought a pet tooth fairy goat for lunch.Ruby got angry.Let's have lunch again.
After eating, Ruby chose a gift for her grandmother.However, I bought a new pair of earrings and bought a new pair of earrings.Earrings
Having spent all her money, Ruby and Max asked Grandma to give up her money.Of course, I also gave birth to a new pair of earrings.Dracula teeth.

이전글 I want my tooth(6-3 전진영)
다음글 이탈리아 (6-3 김유진)